Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Traditional Wedding, Nerd Style!

Ok, so going into the whole "wedding planning" thing I knew two things:
1. Our wedding had to have a good bit of Nerd in it
2. Anything less than a traditional wedding wouldn't be acceptable
I say that it wouldn't be acceptable to not have a traditional wedding because I know my mother has always seen me as her little princess, and she wanted to see our wedding be all those things a mother wishes for her daughter's wedding to be: beautiful, dignified, lovely, a symbol of who the bride and groom are... Well... the bride and groom are nerds, and most "nerd weddings" I've seen are either slightly offbeat, totally traditional, or people are in costumes and Vader brought in the cake (Mom would kill me).

So my mission, which I chose to accept, was to do both!
And I did!

We were married on a beautiful afternoon in May surrounded by our friends & family. 
The ceremony was fairly traditional, but with just a few quirks.

First, we had two ministers. 
My Uncle and Rev Studley, a member of a fellow paintball team. 
Yep, married by a paintballing reverend (who, by the way, can kick some serious tail on the field.)

This was probably the only wedding most of our guests will ever see, where paintball was discussed during the ceremony. Studley did so very tactfully and it added a unique spin to the service.
After the Ceremony we took pictures with the bridal party (above) and then with the paintballers! (bellow)

The Ceremony went off without a hitch. The travel to the reception... well that was a slightly different story. Even though I was the one who wrote the directions to the reception site, we managed to miss the exit, with out entire caravan of the bridal party in tow (about 6 cars)! 

We then, all made an illegal U-turn (together, in one big chain) and eventually found our way back about 10 minutes later than anticipated, but we chalked it up to pictures and no one noticed... except all the cars who witnessed the lovely U-turn extravaganza.

Our Wedding cake? Traditional. White, blue scroll, green initials, and a lovely cake topper.
The Nerd? Well you see that cake topper? Han and Leia.

Our First dance was to U2, Beautiful Day.

We took pictures in the gardens.
The girls' pictures were pretty Traditional.

The guys' pictures, well I think you get the idea.

 If you remember, in our first post, In the Beginning, I mentioned that Jason (on the right of the picture) smacked me with a magazine. You may also notice that that same magazine is in his hand in this picture, which he gave to us after the toast (where he told the story of how he met us).

We did the traditional bouquet toss but instead of the garter toss we did the breaking of the glass.

Then there was dancing, some traditional songs, and then some not so traditional ones, like the Cantina song, White and Nerdy, Raise your Glass, and All along the watch tower (for Galactica).

Here are some additional decorations from the reception including:


the Candy bar,

blue pinwheels made by my Mom,

The Exit? We went out to "Returns a King" from 300 under a light saber arch with rose petals being thrown,

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